We have a large selection of wine and champagne supplies, equipment and products. Please contact us if you have any questions or need a something special.
We have a huge assortment of award winning wine kits to choose from. All ingredient kits make 6 gallons or 30 bottles of wine. Kits contain everything needed (juice, yeast, clarifiers, stabilizers, oak and grape skins in some kits) and full easy to follow instructions. Some kits are made to be ready to drink in as little as 4 weeks!
Cases of twelve 750ml wine bottles in clear, light and dark green, blue, and champagne. We also have 375ml bottles available in clear, green and blue.
Standard, premium and synthetic corks in all sizes.
We have all of the chemicals and additives needed for wine-making.
We carry Wyeast liquid wine yeast, as well as dry yeast from Lalvin and Red Star.
We have all of the wine equipment kits and supplies you need to get started making wine.